Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Corpus Callosum

((((((((((The Corpus Callosum))))))))))

The Brain
            If you are able to read what is on your screen right now, that means that you have, at the very least, a semi-healthy brain sitting just behind your eyes. Now, as you know, the brain is basically the command center for every bodily function, both voluntary and involuntary. And, to put it into perspective, this command center is more intricate than the operating system of a MacBook Pro computer. The human brain is made up of millions of Neurons with cell bodies containing dendrites, axons, synapses, neurotransmitters, myelin sheaths, receptor sites and a bunch of other microscopic features. These cell bodies called neurons are responsible for thousands of neurological functions that take place inside your skull every millisecond. In Short, The human brain is a very complex system.
             However, despite the intricacy of the human brain, scientists have gathered that the brain is made up of two basic sides or hemispheres. There is the right hemisphere, which is responsible for visual tasks such as seeing and perceiving surroundings, and then there is the left hemisphere, which controls actions such as speech, calculations and the use of logic. These two hemispheres are connected in the center by a band of axon fibers called the Corpus Callosum, which sends messages from one side to the other. Simply put, this mass of two connected hemispheres is what we know as the human brain. And we all know that healthy human beings only have one brain right?.....or do we?

Double Minded
            In 1961 two neurosurgeons from California made an incredible discovery.1 In the process of trying to find a cure for epileptic seizures, Philip Vogel and Joseph Bogan decided to surgically cut the Corpus Callosum on a human patient, disconnecting the right side of the brain from the left side of the brain. Amazingly the patient recovered suffering no immediate or serious side effects, and the seizures were almost completely gone. After discovering that humans could still function after this procedure, the surgeons started to operate on other epileptic patients as well; and the results were generally positive. However, the surgeons started to realize something. When the Corpus Callosum was severed, it caused each patient’s one single brain to become two separate brains. Patients were literally becoming double-minded human beings. Crazy right?
            While patients of this surgery were still able to function quite normally, this double-mindedness did cause some trouble on occasion. You see, split-brain surgery leaves two minds in one body, and the two minds don’t always agree with each other. At times some patients find each of their minds actually working against one other. For example, a few split-brained patients noticed that while getting dressed, their right hand was buttoning up their shirt, while their left hand was unbuttoning it simultaneously. Others found their right hand putting items into a grocery cart at the market, while their left hand was trying to take items out of the cart and return them to the shelves. These patient’s two minds were at odds and it caused simple tasks to seem very difficult. Now, this just seems ridiculous right? I mean, the human brain is supposed to be one mechanism working as a unit, who wants to have two minds that work against one another?
Well…apparently many of us do…or so it would appear.
            Lets take an honest look at our lives; many of us Christians seem as if we ourselves have had split-brain surgery. And I don’t mean that we struggle to get dressed in the morning, or that we have trouble shopping at the grocery store. What I mean, is that we have some serious inconsistencies in our lives, which keep us from living up to our God-ordained potential.
            Just as the human brain has two hemispheres, we human beings all have two hemispheres in our Christian walk: the physical hemisphere and the spiritual hemisphere. And I know that this might come as a shock to you (mega sarcasm), but many times our spiritual lives and our physical lives are at odds. Many times the two hemispheres of our lives just aren’t working together and they seem unconnected. Many times it appears that we are missing that vital band of spiritual-fibers that connects our physical and spiritual lives; the Spiritual Corpus Callosum. Or as we Christians like to call it the Holy Spirit.

The Ghost
            As a pastor’s kid growing up I would constantly hear all about this Holy Spirit (or as most of the people where I am from call Him; the Holy Ghost), and to be completely honest with you, it just seemed weird. I mean, I was all for being a “Christ follower” and being a “disciple”, but the thought of being filled with a “spirit” or a “ghost” just seemed…ridiculous. I had seen enough episodes of Scooby-Doo to know that mummies were bad, monsters were awful and ghosts were the worst, so I didn’t care to know a “holy” one. As I got older I kept trying to live my Christian life-style without this Holy Spirit. My thinking was that as long as I didn’t know too much about this ghost named Holy, then I wasn’t responsible for having Him in my life. Well...that theory really doesn’t work…at all.

            You see, as Christians, we are God’s people. And God has called His people to be Christ-like. God has called us to take His name to the ends of the earth.2 God has called us to represent Him at all times.3 God has called us to be Holy as He is Holy.4 God has called us to be set apart and to abstain from the things that the world does.5 God has called us to love like crazy.6 God has called each one of us to do great things in our world! And, although it sounds crazy, Jesus himself said that we are called to do even greater things than He did while He was on earth7.
            The point is that our faith is supposed to be so strong in the spiritual hemisphere of life, that it flows over into the physical hemisphere of life8. The two are supposed to be connected.
            But here is the thing: None of that is possible without the connecting band of spiritual fibers in our life…the Spiritual Corpus Collosum… The Holy Spirit!
            I love the way that Paul puts it in Galatians 5: 16
                        16So I say, let the Holy Spirit guide your lives, then you won’t be doing what the sinful nature craves. (NLT. Italics added)9
            Paul lays it out so clear. There is no way to argue with that! Believers need the Holy Spirit to guide their lives!
            If we want to do what God has called us to do, we as believers have got to have the Holy Spirit connecting our spiritual and physical hemispheres! Because guess what, we cannot accomplish God’s plans for our lives until we have the spiritually connecting band in our lives. And one of the most important aspects of the Holy Spirit is that He comes along side of us, guides us daily, and helps us become the person that God has called us to be! But without the Holy Spirit, reaching our full potential is not a reality.
            Without the spiritually connecting band, the Spiritual Corpus Calosum, we Christians become double-minded. The two hemispheres of our lives become so much at odds, that accomplishing God’s will becomes a non-existent option.
            In chapter one of his letter to 1st century believers, James says, “A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways.”8 And here, the word double-minded (Gk. dipsuchos), literally means, “of two souls”. Now, I don’t know about you, but being double minded, having two souls, and finding myself unstable in all my ways, doesn’t sound like a recipe for spiritual success. We need a common denominator between our physical and spiritual lives….a spiritual Corpus Calosum…the Holy Spirit.

Ignorance Isn’t Bliss
            Now, maybe you are like I was and, even though you aren’t against it, the thought of having a Holy Spirit living inside of you seems a bit weird. Or maybe you are feeling like that double-minded person that James speaks about in his letter. Maybe you are sincerely trying to live out this life called Christianity, but you continually do things in your physical life that you know are killing your spiritual life. I have been there as well, and of course it is still a daily challenge. From many failed attempts, let me just tell you this: This whole Christianity-thing is impossible to live out without the Holy Spirit of God walking with us. Our human attempts just won’t work…period. And remember, God has a crazy awesome plan for our lives, but we will need our physical and spiritual hemispheres to be completely connected if we want to have a shot at fulfilling those plans! Lets keep our Spiritual Corpus Calosum intact and let God work in us!
            So if anything that I have said has at least made you curious, I encourage you to do some praying, reading and studying for yourself. Ask God to help you better understand the Holy Spirit. Study some scriptures on the Holy Spirit; a good place to start is Galatians 5. And maybe even read a good book on the Holy Spirit. There are hundreds of them out there. Some good ones that I know of are Wild Goose Chase by Mark Batterson, The Holy Spirit: A Pentecostal Perspective by Anthony D. Palma, and Living in the Spirit by Dr. George O. Wood.  Don’t ignore your curiosity, because ignorance of the Holy Spirit won’t make the truth of Him go away. Trust me, I’ve tried it.

God Bless

1. Exploring Psychology by David G. Myers: Ch 2
2. Mat 28:19 (NIV)
3. 2 Cor 6:20 (NIV)
4. 1 Pet 1:16 (NIV)
5. Rom 12:2 (NIV)
6. Gal 5:14 (NIV)
7. Jn 14:12 (NIV)
8. James 1:8 (KJV)
9. Gal 5:16 (NLT)

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